Friday, August 30, 2024

Reflecting the Glory of Christ

Reflecting Christ in our Faces

A Transformation of the Heart and Face

In 2 Corinthians 3:18, the Apostle Paul writes, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” This verse beautifully captures the essence of Christian growth: transformation into the likeness of Christ. As we gaze upon Jesus, we are changed—little by little, from one degree of glory to another. 

Eugene Peterson, in The Message, paraphrases this transformation as “our lives gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful as God enters our lives, and we become like him.” This brightness, this beauty, is not superficial but a deep, spiritual radiance that emanates from within. This transformation is not merely an internal change but one that radiates outward, even to our faces.

It has been said that while we cannot control the natural beauty of our face, we can control the expression on it. Our faces often mirror the state of our hearts. Richard Foster, in his work on spiritual disciplines, notes that “to pray is to change. Prayer is the central avenue God uses to transform us.” As we engage in prayer, our countenance reflects this inner change, becoming a testimony to the world around us. The joy, peace, and love of Christ that dwell within us inevitably shine through, making our faces a canvas that reflects His glory. The expression on a believer’s face can be a powerful testimony to the world, an outward sign of the inward change wrought by the Holy Spirit.

The Bible frequently uses imagery of the face and eyes to convey deeper spiritual truths. Psalm 104:27 says, "All creatures look to you to give them their food at the proper time." While this verse speaks of God’s provision of physical food, it also hints at the spiritual nourishment we receive when we turn our gaze to Him. Dallas Willard, in The Divine Conspiracy,  emphasizes the importance of this gaze: “The first act of love is always the giving of attention.” As we give our attention to Christ, our faces are lifted toward God in dependence and trust, and in that gaze, we are fed and sustained.

The idea that “the eyes are the windows to the soul” resonates with biblical teaching. When we say, “You should have seen the look on their face,” we often mean that the person’s face revealed their true feelings—whether joy, anger, sorrow, or love. In the same way, when we look into someone’s eyes, we often feel we can glimpse their inner world, their struggles, and their joys. The face becomes a mirror of the heart, reflecting what lies within.

But what happens when we gaze upon Christ? When we spend time in His presence, meditating on His Word, and communing with Him in prayer, we begin to reflect His image. William Barclay writes, “We begin by thinking that we can change ourselves; and we end by realizing that it is God who changes us. The more we contemplate Christ, the more we become like Him.” Just as people often imitate the mannerisms and expressions of those they admire, so too do we begin to reflect the character of Christ as we behold Him.

Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22). A healthy, focused gaze on Christ fills our entire being with His light. Matthew Henry comments, “The soul that sees the glory of God in the face of Christ is changed into the same image.” This light cannot be hidden; it shines forth from our faces, revealing the transformation that has taken place within us.

This transformation is not merely for our benefit but serves as a witness to others. The world is filled with people who are spiritually hungry, searching for meaning and truth. When they look into the faces of believers who have been transformed by Christ, they should see something different—something that draws them toward the source of that transformation.

As we continue to behold the glory of the Lord, let us remember that this glory is not just for our own sanctification but also for the world to see. Our faces, like Moses’ after he descended from Mount Sinai, should shine with the glory of God. And as others see that glory, may they be drawn to Christ, the one who transforms us “from one degree of glory to another.”

In conclusion, let us strive to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, allowing His light to fill us and change us. Let our faces reflect His glory, our expressions be a testimony to His love, and our lives be a witness to the world of the transformative power of His Spirit. For it is in His presence that we are truly changed, and in that change, we reflect the beauty of the One who saved us.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Monday, August 12, 2024

Morning Declarations

 Daily Declarations for Holistic 

Christian Discipleship

The Four Dimensions of Discipleship in Practice

Living the Christian Life

Embracing the Call to Discipleship

Christian discipleship is a transformative journey that affects every dimension of our lives—our thoughts, actions, relationships, and ultimately, our walk with God. It is not merely about acquiring knowledge or following rules but about being fundamentally changed by Christ from the inside out. Dietrich Bonhoeffer insightfully noted, "When Christ calls a man, he bids him come and die." This call to discipleship is a call to die to oneself and be reborn in the image of Christ, allowing His life to flow through us in every aspect of our existence.

Inward: The Heart of Transformation

The journey of discipleship begins inwardly, with the transformation of our heart and mind. This inward movement focuses on aligning our inner self with the truth of God’s Word and our identity in Him. We recognize that God is our Father, deeply loving and accepting us. As Romans 8:15 affirms, "The Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him, we cry, 'Abba, Father.'"

Morning Declaration:
“I Surrender This Day to the Lord”
Scripture: Proverbs 3:5-6 - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

By surrendering your day to the Lord, you acknowledge His sovereignty and guidance, allowing Him to direct your steps with confidence.

Morning Declaration:
“God is my Father and I am Loved”
Scripture: Romans 8:15 - "The Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him, we cry, 'Abba, Father.'"

Starting the day with this affirmation grounds you in the truth of God’s unconditional love and acceptance.

Outward: Living Out the Transformation

As we are transformed inwardly, this change naturally manifests in our outward actions and relationships. Discipleship calls us to reflect God’s love and grace in how we interact with others. Jesus summarized the essence of discipleship with the two greatest commandments: to love God and to love our neighbor. As Matthew 22:37-39 records, Jesus replied: "‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’"

Morning Declaration:
“I Will Walk in Love and Forgiveness”
Scripture: Ephesians 4:32 - "Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."

Choosing to walk in love and forgiveness aligns with the call to love others as Christ has loved us, extending grace even in challenging circumstances.

Morning Declaration:
  "I will Walk in Humility, Gentleness, and Patience, making every effort to maintain the Unity of the Spirit through the Bond of Peace."

Scripture: Ephesians 4:2-3 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

These qualities empower believers to emphasize the attitudes essential for unity: humility, gentleness, patience, and love.  Unity is not just an abstract concept but a tangible reality, sustained through intentional effort and reliance on the Holy Spirit to keep the bond of peace. This declaration encourages you to live out your faith through humility, gentleness, patience, and peace in your relationship with God and others.

Upward: Aligning with God’s Will

The upward movement in discipleship involves directing our focus toward aligning our lives with God’s will and purposes. Jesus instructed us to "seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness" (Matthew 6:33), emphasizing the need to prioritize His will above all else. This alignment shapes our decisions, actions, and overall direction in life.

Morning Declaration:
“I Will Seek First the Kingdom of God”
Scripture: Matthew 6:33 - "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

Making God's kingdom your priority sets the foundation for your day, ensuring that your actions and decisions align with His plan for your life.

Morning Declaration:

I Am Filled with the Holy Spirit and Empowered to Fulfill God’s Will Today

Scripture: Philippians 4:13 - "I can do all this through him who gives me strength."

Being filled with the Holy Spirit equips you with the strength and ability to accomplish all that God has planned for you. This inward empowerment guides you as you step into each day with confidence.

Onward: Pressing Forward in Faith

Discipleship is an ongoing journey of growth and forward movement. As we experience inward transformation, live out our faith outwardly, and align ourselves with God's will upwardly, we are called to press onward in our walk with Christ. This movement is characterized by perseverance and a commitment to follow Jesus, regardless of the obstacles.

Morning Declaration:
“I Am a New Creation in Christ”
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17 - "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"

Every day is a fresh start, an opportunity to live out the new life given by Christ, letting go of past failures and embracing new opportunities for growth.

Morning Declaration:
“I Will Rejoice and Be Glad in This Day”
Scripture: Psalm 118:24 - "This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."

Choosing to rejoice in the Lord, despite circumstances, cultivates a heart of gratitude and helps you recognize His goodness in every moment.

Conclusion: A Life of Discipleship

Christian discipleship involves a holistic journey of inward transformation, outward expression, upward alignment with God’s will, and onward growth in faith. By integrating these movements with daily declarations, we live out the fullness of our identity in Christ and His call for us. As Richard Foster writes, "The desperate need today is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people." Depth in our relationship with Christ sustains us on this journey, enabling us to move forward.

Dallas Willard emphasizes, "The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become. That's what you will take into eternity." Discipleship is about becoming more like Christ each day, allowing His life to shape ours as we journey onward in faith. May we continue to grow deeper in our relationship with Jesus, walking in the fullness of what it means to be His disciple.

Thursday, August 01, 2024

Rejoice, Pray, Give Thanks

Empowered by God’s Will

How Joy, Prayer, and Gratitude Change Everything

In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, we often seek guidance and strength beyond ourselves. The Apostle Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, provides a simple yet profound roadmap to align our lives with God's will: “Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” These three principles—rejoicing, praying, and giving thanks—serve as powerful keys to unlocking the transformative power of God in our lives.

Rejoice Always

Joy is a choice, not a mere emotion dictated by our circumstances. When we choose to rejoice, we are not ignoring reality but affirming a deeper truth—that God's presence and love remain constant despite our situations. Rejoicing always doesn't mean denying pain or pretending everything is perfect. Instead, it involves recognizing the blessings around us and the hope we have in Christ. This perspective shift empowers us to face challenges with resilience and grace, fostering a sense of inner peace that transcends our external conditions.

Pray Continually

Prayer serves as our vital connection to God, welcoming His presence and guidance into every aspect of our lives. By praying continually, we cultivate the habit of turning to God not only in times of need but as a constant companion on our journey. It is important to share with God not only our own needs but also the needs of others. This ongoing conversation with God strengthens our relationship with Him, helping us to understand His will more clearly and align our actions with His purposes. Through prayer, we invite God's power to work within us and through us, transforming our hearts and the world around us.

Give Thanks in All Circumstances

Gratitude is a powerful attitude that can shift our focus from what we lack to what we have, from problems to possibilities. Giving thanks in all circumstances doesn't mean we are grateful for difficulties themselves but that we recognize God's presence and provision even amid them. This practice cultivates contentment and trust, reminding us that God is at work in every situation for our good and His glory. By embracing gratitude, we open our hearts to receive more of God's blessings and to see His hand at work in our lives.

The Power of Aligning with God's Will

When we commit to rejoicing always, praying continually, and giving thanks in all circumstances, we align ourselves with God's will and tap into a power that transcends human understanding. This alignment allows us to live with purpose and peace, empowered to face life's challenges with confidence and hope. As we embrace these practices, we become vessels of God's love and grace, influencing those around us and bringing His light into the world.

Ultimately, doing God's will is not about following a set of rules or checking off a list of obligations. It is about cultivating a heart that seeks His presence and desires to reflect His character in every aspect of our lives. When we intentionally choose to follow God's guidance, we begin to see others in a new lightBy living out these principles, we unlock the power to transform our lives and the lives of others, fulfilling God’s will for us in Christ Jesus. Let us strive to live with joy, prayer, and gratitude, embracing the divine power that comes from aligning with God's will.


Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your presence and guidance in our lives. Help us to embrace Your will by rejoicing always, praying continually, and giving thanks in all circumstances. Fill our hearts with joy that transcends our challenges, and remind us to turn to You in every moment through prayer. Cultivate in us a spirit of gratitude that sees Your hand at work in every situation. As we align our lives with these principles, may we experience Your transformative power and become vessels of Your love and grace to those around us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.