Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Gift of Peace


Jesus said,

Peace I leave with you. 

My peace I give to you. 

I do not give to you as the world gives. 

Don’t let your heart be troubled or fearful.

John 14:27

Jesus parting gift to his disciples is the Gift of Peace. What is the difference between the peace that Jesus offered and the peace we exchange when we wish one another? What we offer one another is our wish to live in peace with one another. It is down to earth, human. It is our wish for our families, companies or nations to live in peace without any conflicts.

The Hebrew word for peace, shalom (שׁלום) is derived from a root denoting wholeness, salvation, one with God and neighbor. This is the word used when Jews greet each other giving and receiving peace from one another. It was this gift of Shalom with which Jesus was blessing his disciples.

Jesus said, “I give you my peace and my gift is nothing like what the world has to offer.” The peace that Christ has to offer is not the absence of problems and conflicts, but the confidence of the living presence of God with us and in us. It is the assurance that God is in control and will help us through it all come what may, and whatever be the outcome. It is the blessed assurance that all is well with our Souls. 

The peace that Jesus offers is not merely absence of war. Nor is it great wealth or worldly comforts. These give tangible benefits for a temporary period of time. Often they do more damage to our hearts and minds if we begin to crave for them. Jesus offers peace in our souls that our sins have been forgiven and we can live in a loving relationship with the Living God who will guide and lead us through our lives. It is the peace that came from the blood Christ shed on the old rugged cross (Colossians 1:20).

One of my favorite hymns that comforts me and fills me with hope in times of trials is, ‘It is well with my soul.’ It was written by Horatio G. Spafford following a family tragedy in which his four daughters died aboard the S.S. Ville du Havre on a transatlantic voyage. In this hymn he affirms that it is well with his soul despite the trials and tribulations that he faces in his life. He is confident that he has been forgiven and one day he will see the Lord. It is the peace he knows deep within his soul.

Paul says, “Therefore, since we are justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans‬ ‭5:1)‬ He goes on to say that we can rejoice because problems and hardship help to develop endurance, character and hope in Christ Jesus.

Paul says, “Be Anxious for Nothing, but in Everything By Prayer and Supplication, with Thanksgiving, Let your Requests be made known to God”( Philippians 4:6-7). He says that we should turn our anxieties and fears over to Jesus. When we do that, the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.The troubles and fears that crop up in this world are only temporary, Christ is always in control of our lives. The blessed assurance that Christ offers is everlasting peace within us. Christ is our Peace.


Lord Jesus, even as we contemplate the mystery of your pain, suffering and the blood shed on the old rugged cross, we thank you for the gift of everlasting peace you have offered us in You. Help us to follow in the ways you have set for us and one day come to share in the glory prepared for us. Amen

1 comment:

Philip Ittyerah said...

Peace, as you rightly said means Oneness. Yeshua was both consoling & encouraging His disciples regarding His impending physical departure from their midst, but also making a promise that He would never leave them nor forsake them, just as God promised the Israelite after they were rescued from Egypt. Yeshua gave this promise of Oneness which we know He kept, immediately after the Resurrection, Emmaus, Pentecost till today. He gave this promise not as humans did, but a real Godly promise! Immediately after the Resurrection, Yeshua appeared to His disciples and physically too as He shared the bread and fish, made Thomas to feel His hands and nail holes, went with two others to Emmaus, and finally baptized the three hundred with the Holy Spirit and fire as prophesied by St. John the Baptist.
But today we feel His presence in us and glory in the Oneness we are having with our Father!