Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Be Still for the Presence of the Lord

A Sacred Encounter: 

Unveiling the Inspiration Behind the Hymn 

In the treasury of hymns that grace our worship services, "Be Still for the Presence of the Lord" stands as a timeless testament to the awe-inspiring presence of the divine. Penned by David Evans, this hymn transports listeners to a sacred space of stillness and reverence. But what inspired Evans to compose such a profound melody?

At the heart of "Be Still for the Presence of the Lord" lies a deep reverence for the Old Testament scriptures. Evans drew inspiration from the poignant encounter between Jacob and God as recounted in Genesis 28:10-19. In this passage, Jacob, resting his head upon a stone, dreams of a ladder reaching into heaven, with angels ascending and descending. Upon awakening, he declares, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it."

This theme of divine presence amidst the mundane echoes throughout the hymn, inviting worshippers to pause and recognize the sacredness of their surroundings. Just as Jacob encountered God unexpectedly in the wilderness, so too can we encounter the divine in the ordinary moments of our lives.

Evans also found inspiration in the story of Moses and the burning bush, recounted in Exodus 3:1-6. Here, Moses encounters Yahweh in the form of a burning bush that is not consumed by the flames. In this sacred encounter, God calls Moses to a great task, revealing His holy name and commissioning Moses to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

"Be Still for the Presence of the Lord" captures the essence of these biblical narratives, inviting listeners to quiet their hearts and minds in the presence of the divine. Through its haunting melody and reverent lyrics, the hymn serves as a reminder of God's abiding presence in our lives, even in the midst of chaos and uncertainty.

As our voice soars, carrying the soul-stirring lyrics aloft, we are transported to a place of profound stillness and awe. In a world filled with noise and distraction, "Be Still for the Presence of the Lord" beckons us to pause, to listen, and to be ever mindful of the sacredness that surrounds us.

May this hymn continue to inspire hearts and uplift spirits, reminding us of the eternal truth that in the stillness, we may find the presence of the Lord, ever waiting to embrace us with His love and grace.

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