Thursday, July 18, 2024

Understanding Grace

Living in Grace

God's Riches At Christ's Expense


Grace is seen as the beginning of God’s free spiritual gift that works in our lives, that picks us up from our fallen state and empowers us to become reflections of his goodness and glory. It is in essence God's unmerited favor towards people all over the world made possible through Christ's sacrifice on the cross. Paul eloquently put it in his letter in his moment of weakness, Jesus said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." (2 Corinthians 12:9) Here Paul is saying that in his weakness God’s strength is made perfect and glorified.

Philip Yancey says,"Grace, like water, flows to the lowest part." Yancey uses a powerful metaphor to illustrate the humility and reach of grace. Just as water seeks the lowest point, grace reaches the most humble, broken, and needy parts of humanity. This quote highlights God’s grace's accessibility and its ability to meet people in their deepest need.

Richard J. Foster says, "Grace saves us from life without God—even more, it empowers us for life with God." Foster points out the dual function of grace: it rescues us from a godless existence and empowers us to live a life in communion with God. This perspective underscores both the saving and sustaining power of grace in the believer's journey.

Let us look at one helpful mnemonic to understand what GRACE is "God's Riches At Christ's Expense." Let's delve into this mnemonic and explore what grace truly means.


The starting point of grace is God Himself. Grace is initiated by God, not by human effort or merit. John Stott’s definition of grace "Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues." Grace involves God’s divine intervention that stoops down to our level to rescue and uplift, emphasizing the love and compassion inherent in grace as active, caring, and redemptive. 

The Bible tells us that God's grace has appeared to offer salvation to all people: "For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people." Titus 2:11 This verse underscores the universality and generosity of God's grace. It is available to everyone, regardless of their background or actions.


Grace involves the immeasurable riches of God's glory, which are made available to us through Christ. These riches are not material wealth but the spiritual blessings and eternal life that God provides:

"And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)

It emphasizes that through the boundless riches of His glory in Christ, God provides for us completely. This verse encourages us to trust in His provision and reminds us that His grace is not only a gift of salvation but also a continual source of strength and support in every aspect of our lives.


The next component, "At," signifies the pivotal moment of God's grace manifesting in history: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This Act of Love and redemption is at the heart of our faith. The channel through which grace flows is Jesus Christ. His life, death, and resurrection are the means by which grace is given to the whole world.


"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich." (2 Corinthians 8:9) Christ's willingness to give up His heavenly riches and take on human poverty and suffering exemplifies the depth of His love and the magnitude of God's grace. This profound act of self-sacrifice reveals the extent to which God is willing to go to restore and enrich our lives, making grace not only a gift but a testament to the boundless love and mercy of Christ.


Finally, grace came at a great cost—Christ's sacrifice on the cross. It is through His blood that we are redeemed and forgiven: "In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace." (Ephesians 1:7). This verse encapsulates the essence of grace: redemption and forgiveness provided freely to us, but at the expense of Christ's suffering and death. As we reflect on this, let us remember the profound love and sacrifice that underpin the grace we receive, and let it inspire us to live lives that honor His gift.

Reflecting on Grace

Reflecting on the mnemonic "God's Riches At Christ's Expense" helps us appreciate the profound nature of grace. It is a gift from God, unearned and undeserved, made possible through Jesus Christ's ultimate sacrifice. This understanding fosters humility and gratitude, encouraging believers to accept God's grace and extend it to others.

Grace is not merely a theological concept; it is a transformative reality that impacts how we live and relate to others. Recognizing that we are recipients of God's boundless grace should inspire us to live lives marked by compassion, forgiveness, and generosity.C.S. Lewis says, "To be a Christian means to forgive the inexcusable because God has forgiven the inexcusable in you." Here Lewis connects grace directly with forgiveness, calling for a practical expression of grace through forgiveness.

As we contemplate the depths of God's grace, let us continually be reminded of its cost and infinite value. Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, “Cheap grace is the grace we bestow on ourselves. Cheap grace is the preaching of forgiveness without requiring repentance, baptism without church discipline, communion without confession.” Through grace, we experience the fullness of God's love and the richness of life in Christ. This grace, costly and transformative, calls us to genuine repentance and a deeper relationship with God, enriching our lives with His love and presence.

A Prayer of Gratitude for God's Grace

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with hearts full of gratitude, humbled by the depth of Your grace and the magnitude of Your love. We thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, through whom we receive redemption and forgiveness. His sacrifice on the cross and His victory over death have opened the floodgates of grace to all who believe.

Lord, remind us daily of the cost of this grace, that we might never take it for granted. Help us to live in a way that honors the gift we've been given, reflecting Your goodness and glory in our lives. May we be vessels of Your grace, extending the same love and forgiveness to others that we have so freely received from You.

In moments of need, may we remember Your promise that You will meet all our needs according to the riches of Your glory in Christ Jesus. Strengthen our faith, nourish our spirits, and provide for our every need, both seen and unseen.

May Your Holy Spirit guide us to walk in humility and compassion, embodying the grace that flows from Your throne. Let our lives be a testament to Your mercy and a beacon of hope to a world in need.

We pray this in the precious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.


Questions to Ponder

1. What does grace mean to you personally, and how have you experienced it in your life?

   - Reflect on personal experiences where you felt God's unmerited favor or forgiveness.

   - Consider times when you received help or support that you did not earn or deserve.

2. How does the concept of grace challenge your understanding of justice and forgiveness?

   - Think about how grace goes beyond human notions of fairness and retribution.

   - Contemplate the idea of forgiving others without expecting anything in return.

3. In what ways can you extend grace to others in your daily interactions?

   - Look for opportunities to forgive, show kindness, and offer help without expecting repayment.

   - Practice patience and understanding in difficult situations.

4. Reflecting on Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s quote, what do you think differentiates 'cheap grace' from 'costly grace'?

   - Consider the commitment and change required by costly grace versus the complacency of cheap grace.

   - Think about how genuine repentance and transformation are involved in costly grace.

5. How does understanding the cost of grace affect your relationship with God and with others?

   - Reflect on how recognizing Christ's sacrifice deepens your gratitude and commitment to God.

   - Consider how it influences your willingness to forgive and love others sacrificially.

6. What are some practical steps you can take to live a life that reflects the grace you have received?

   - Engage in acts of kindness and service to others.

   - Practice regular self-reflection and repentance.

7. How can you remind yourself daily of the significance of Christ's sacrifice and the grace it brings?

   - Set aside time for prayer and meditation on Scripture.

   - Keep a gratitude journal to note daily instances of grace.

8. In what ways do you see the evidence of God meeting your needs according to His riches in glory?

   - Identify specific instances where God provided for your physical, emotional, or spiritual needs.

   - Reflect on how God's provision has manifested in your life, even in unexpected ways.

9. How can you cultivate a deeper appreciation for the grace of God in your spiritual journey?

   - Study the Bible and other theological works on grace.

   - Participate in worship and community with other believers who inspire you.

10. What impact does the understanding of grace have on your approach to challenges and difficulties in life?

    - Consider how grace gives you strength and hope during tough times.

    - Reflect on how it encourages you to persevere and trust in God's plan.

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