Sunday, April 08, 2007


was a renown city for its centers for art, learning and philosophy. It still is one of the oldest cities in the world with a recorded history of more than 3000 years. Athens was named after the Goddess Athena. She was the goddess of wisdom, and cunning intelligence and discipline of war. She was often accompanied by an owl and the goddess Nike who personified victory.

At Athens Paul found that the prevalent culture was saturated with idols and idol worship. He was exceedingly distressed (Acts 17:16-21). Tarsus his birthplace also had a similar culture. He used to go to the local synagogue and speak to the Jews and the devoted Greeks. He also used to speak to any group of people who would listen to him at the public square.

Is our faith in Christ only a personal experience or is it to made public through proclaiming it in the streets, shopping malls and sports stadiums? God requires more people who have met Christ and have been transformed by the gospel message. God needs more people who are capable of communicating this gospel message to others. We grow and are nourished spiritually when we do the will of God for our lives. Jesus said, "One sows and another reaps(John 4:34-38)." Keep your eyes open there are always hearts longing for the seeds of the word of God to be sown. What is the joy of your calling as a worker?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We live in a culture and people alien to the message Christ brought to this world.Do we remain silent or respond by declaring what is the message of Christ. Right relationship to God and man are important.