Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Witch of Endor

The Old Testament has specific laws against prophecies given from other Gods or powers in the spiritual realm. If the prophecy is true we should further question ourselves on the source (Deuteronomy 18:21-22). We are expressly asked to see whether the prophesies draw us closer to God or away from Him. If they direct us to God then they are true prophets or if they draw us away from God they are false prophets (Deuteronomy 13:1-5).

King Saul was specifically condemned by the Prophet Samuel when he out of desperation tried to consult him through a witch (medium) at Endor after his death(1 Samuel 28:1-25). Did Saul really speak to Samuel who had died? Was Saul's concern more about his own future plans as opposed to the future plans he had in God? Had not Samuel clearly told him that God had rejected him from being King (1 Samuel 15:1-23)? Why was Saul living in denial of what he had heard what Samuel had already told him before he died? King Saul was so overwhelmed with jealousy and anger toward David, the anointed King of Israel, that he kept hoping against hope that one of his own sons would follow as King after his time.

Let us not out of our own desperation or anguish try and seek refuge and solace in mediums that will draw us away from our Heavenly Father. When we move away from God and shift our focus on other sources we lose our hold on God and find ourselves in distress and despair. Our focus must always be on God who loves and cares for us.

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