Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Spiritual Growth in the Age of Mega-Churches


After all, who is Apollos? Who is Paul? We are only God’s servants through whom you believed the Good News. Each of us did the work the Lord gave us. I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. (I Corinthians 3:5-6)

Mega-churches are growing bigger and bigger everyday. They are taking the likeness of well run business corporations of today. They have to their credit music studios, publishing houses, record labels, and daily talk shows broadcast through their own satellite networks. The largest Mega church Lakewood led by Pastor Joel Osteen recently leased the Compaq Center previously occupied by the NBA Houston Rockets. They have recently increased their television airtime expenditure from 6 million dollars to 12 million dollars, now being able to reach 92% of US households. Pastor Rick Warren Of Saddleback Church has sold 5.8 million copies of his book Purpose Driven Life. He outsold Billy Graham and has become the most successful Christian publisher in USA today. Corporations pay big bucks to market their products and the mega churches are following suite. However what the corporations lack is the hundreds of thousands of volunteers who reach out to the needy in love.

fundamentalist and evangelical movement focused their attention on inviting their members to build a personal relationship with Jesus and in so doing obtaining personal salvation. While the mainline churches continued their focus on social issues. Is the gospel message focused on righteousness that zooms in on personal development or social development? Are churches built around the personality of the pastor or built around the personality of Christ? What makes people and churches to grow spiritually?

Paul draws us to a similar situation in the church where there was jealousy and quarreling among the members of the church. He said they were being controlled by their own desires (I Corinthians 3:3). Beware of any spiritual leader that focuses on your personal desires, financial prosperity, and the need to gain success by world standards because that only leads to ruin (I Corinthians 3:15-17). We should always envision the bigger picture, where we are all partners working together to build communities that love God, one another and live transformed lives centered on Christ (I Corinthians 3:9). We should learn to appreciate that it is only God that causes the growth (I Corinthians 3:6).

Christ spoke of a parable (Mark 4:26-29) of what the Kingdom of God is compared to, He said it is like a farmer who planted seeds in the field. Bit-by-bit the seed sprouted and grew to become a plant that yields fruit. This is how we grow spiritually, step-by-step, slowly we begin to become who God created us to be. Our hope is not in anything within us that makes us grow, but in Christ who brings about this growth. Jesus said that anyone who is willing to hear, listen, understand and obey are the ones who will be open to Him and grow spiritually. Just as the seed relied on the earth, air, sun, and water all of which is provided by God, so we rely fully on God who can only bring about the growth in us that is of eternal value. Yes, Paul says some sow the seeds and some water but it is only God who can bring about the growth(I Corinthians 3:6).

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