Saturday, October 01, 2005

Final judgment

Christ refers to the group of people who out of a simple conscience reached out to the masses of poor and needy. One such person who exemplifies this simplicity was Mahatma Gandhi. He challenged many Christian leaders to live better Spiritual lives. His life is a string of parables in themselves. As highlighted in an article by Rev.A.C.Oommen on Mahatma Gandhi - A Spiritual Revolutionary.

Christ was extolling those simple deeds of love that spring naturally from a heart that greatly loves all people no matter who they maybe. Another great saint who exemplified this love was Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She was called to serve those people throughout the world who live and die in poverty and hunger. It was the least and rejects of society she reached out.

This parable probably does not support the views of some of the protestant churches today. We prefer to preach the gospel of justification by faith alone ie.(Solafide). It is a faith that it is not our personal goodness that earns our salvation, but God's mercy because of Christs sacrifice and death. Does that exempt us from serving those who are in need with our gifts or our time?

The more mature way to approach our calling as followers of Christ would be to believe that it only through Christ's crucifixion we are saved, but to express that faith through deeds of love to the community. St. Francis of Assissi, believed in a gospel that was preached..seldom using words.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
St. Francis of Assissi

This parable is a very chilling judgment being shown by Christ. He condemns those who did not help those of his brothers or sisters who were poor and needy. The judgment really surprises them, for they could not associate Christ with those people. They probably were pretenders whose actions were deliberated based on their own selfish ambitions.

This parable makes us question, what have we done to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, invite the stranger into the home, clothe the poor, look after the sick and visit the prisoner. The reply of the shocked group is Lord when did we see you in this condition. Christ says every time you did it to someone who is of no significance in the world you did it for me.

If Christ lives in us, should we not also express the same concern He had for the least ?

Matt 25:45

45 "He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.'

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