Saturday, March 13, 2021

Why will they hate us?

Worlds Hatred

If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. John 15:18

What will life be for the disciples when he is gone?? A Paradox??

As the last supper and parable of the vine is slowly warming the hearts and minds of the disciples, Jesus goes on to celebrate his life with them as his friends. He charges them to love each other, in so doing he tenderly unites them all to him. All these wonderful truths are oft repeated, beautiful melody for their souls.

Then like the sudden clash of cymbals, he goes on to say, “if the world persecutes you remember that it persecuted me first. If the world hates you, remember it hated me first.” He is preparing them for his imminent crucifixion and the persecution that lay ahead of them in the years to come. He emphasizes the relationship with the world will flare up based on their hatred for him and his mission (John 15:21). Just like day turns to night, so the relationship between God and the World, will continue to be hostile. The rejection of Christ as the Godhead, indicates the prophetic messianic voice in the Psalms will be fulfilled (Psalm 35:19, Psalm 69:14).

The disciples wonder why he is saying all these things. It is difficult for them to understand that like a bipolar magnet they will attract and repel people. On one hand, Jesus’ love binds them to him and those they love, on the other hand, his love repels them from those who do not share this divine life. The consequence of following Christ is the rift that comes between the church and the world. 

The grief and sadness of Jesus’s prophetic voice of the future on the stark reality of the world views  makes hard reading. Despite the hatred of the world, Christ’s disciples eventually were the foundations on which the world wide church was built. The disciples went out and sowed The Word of God all over the world. They were not scholars or world travelers, but ordinary working men who were taught and ministered to by The Son of God. Can anyone ask for a better work experience? Can anyone question the fruits of their labor?

Prayers : Dear Lord Jesus, we thank and praise you for the confidence that we have that one day all hatred will cease and your love will prevail. We know that one day all our sicknesses and diseases will be healed. We do believe in our future resurrection and living with you in glory one day. Amen.

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