Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Kingdom of God

Kingdom of God 

But rather seek ye first the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Luke 12:31

 Christ was speaking about the importance of first doing our best to know and understand God and His ways. He told us not to worry about the future but learn to enjoy with thanksgiving what we have and have faith in God who will provide for all our needs. He specifically refers to us as his “Little Flock”. We are the sheep and he is our “Good Shepherd”. The gentleness with which he calls us soothes our anxieties.

What is the direction we point our efforts ? What kind of reward are we looking for in life the lower or higher fruits for our labor? There are many today who are so proud of their wealth and accomplishment that they see no value in seeking the higher fruits. Christ is exhorting us work for treasures that have a lasting value. For things we can carry with us when are time comes for us to go. 

Our hearts and minds need to work on something to live fruitful lives. When we use our earthly wealth and gifts for the tending of the ”Little Flock” we are storing up treasure in heaven. The heart has to be satisfied that it is contributing to the good of mankind. To seek God’s Kingdom we need to surrender our lives into the hands of Christ as our King and Lord to guide and lead us through life. A life well spent is how we learned to love and delight in one another and share the grace and peace of Christ with one another here on earth.

Dear Lord Jesus, Take our lives and let it be consecrated Lord to thee. Take my moments and my days, let them flow in ceaseless praise.

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