Thursday, September 29, 2005


To err is human, to forgive divine - Alexander Pope

As Christ hung on the cross, His mind was not filled with anger or hatred toward His oppressors. But with great remorse He cried out to God the Father pleading for forgiveness for what they were subjecting him to.

Whose forgiveness was Jesus pleading for? Pilate who sentenced Him? The Jewish leaders who condemned Him? The bystanders who cried out to crucify Him? The Roman soldiers who hung Him on the cross and mocked Him? Today is not Jesus still doing the same for you and me? Although on the outside the whole world seemed to torment Him, yet Christ showed His divine nature to forgive.

How can we take these giant strides in faith? How do we have the courage to forgive those who have done us great harm? It is when we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives that we change. Forgiveness is God's gift of grace to us. It is this grace of forgiveness that we are asked to give to those who have offended us.

When we see how Christ forgave His persecutors we are challenged to do the same. Millions were martyred by Joseph Stalin who wanted to free the Soviet Union of Religion. But his was an ideology that in time was proved wrong. We see through the eyes of a survivor Richard Wurmbrand the atrocities that were inflicted on the Christians and his undying devotion to serve those who suffered for their faith.

The Christian church was able to overcome that period. Jesus our spiritual healer is telling us today, see this is what I did, now show me if you can do the same. Bitterness, anger and hatred if let to work in our minds could destroy our peace of mind. When we forgive others we bring glory to Christ, and we also find we are spiritually healed. Are we ready to take this step of faith?

Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.

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