Friday, December 20, 2024

A Love That Sacrifices

Opening Scripture:

“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” — Romans 5:8


The Advent candle of love reminds us of the sacrificial love of Christ. Romans 5:8 unveils the depth of this love: God gave His Son not for the righteous, but for sinners. At the heart of Advent is the truth that love does not wait for perfection but acts in the midst of brokenness.

Father Alfred Delp, a German Jesuit executed during World War II, deeply understood this sacrificial love. Parishioners remembered how, exactly four years before his execution—he preached about the symbolism of blessed candles. These candles, he explained, give light at the cost of their own substance. They reflect the Christian life: a call to shine brightly, even as one is consumed in service and sacrifice. For Father Delp, this imagery tied directly to Advent’s message—a call to offer oneself completely, trusting in the God who brings light into the darkest places.

Sacrificial love changes everything. It breaks down barriers, restores relationships, and transforms lives. How has Christ’s love impacted you? How have others’ acts of sacrificial love shaped your journey?

Lesslie Newbigin reminds us that this love sends us out: “The Church is the bearer to all nations of a gospel that announces the love of God.” As we light the candle of love, we are called not only to receive this love but to extend it in sacrificial ways, reflecting the One who first loved us.

Closing Prayer:

Lord of love, thank You for demonstrating the depth of Your love through the sacrifice of Jesus. As we light the candle of love, help us to embody that same sacrificial love in our daily lives. Transform our hearts so we may reflect Your love to a world in need. Amen.

Deus Caritas Est

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